
- Title
”Japan Seibu Railway × LAIMO&SongSongMeow”: Collaborated Animation
- Summary
Popular Taiwanese characters LAIMO and Soso Cat enjoy a trip along the Seibu Line, including the tourist spots of Chichibu Nagatoro and Kawagoe! Whether you’re tucking into delicious local products or touring the sights, Sou Sousa Cat and LAIMO will enjoy the sights and sounds of the city.
- About
Fanworks produced an original animation as part of the “Seibu Railway x LAIMO & Sou Sou Sou Cat Campaign” by Seibu Railway Co.
The animation was featured on the Seibu Railway’s website, on YouTube, on digital signage at Ikebukuro and Takadanobaba stations, and on Smile Vision for Series 40,000, 30,000 and 6,000 trains.
- Format
30 sec x 3 eps
- Produce
- Animation Production
year Fanworks
- Genre
- Target
18+ (Foreign visitors to Japan)
- Client
Seibu Railway
- Copyright
LAIMO Cherng Licensed by HIM Music
Sou Sou Cat SSM by SECOND / HIM Music
- Media partner
- Related Links