
- Title
Hagane Orchestra
- Summary
This story features the charcters of the smartphone game “”Hagane Orchestra”” struggling to promote their game. From the physical promotion with the friends of the village “”Aya”” to get everyone to download the game, to the dangerous revelations of the game industry.
- About
Fanworks was in charge of producing an animation to promote the quasi-real-time tactical battle RPG smartphone app “Hagane Orchestra” in which players customize battle vehicles called “Hagane” and battle it out in a devastated world. The story of the game’s characters advertising their own game is told from an unusual angle, and was created by Masahiko Ohta, director of “YuruYuri” and “Himouto!Umaru-chan” and his staff.
- Format
12eps x 3.5mins
- Original work
Hanbit Ubiquitous Entertainment “Hagane Orchestra”
- Director
Masahiko Ohta
- Produce
- Animation Production
Year Fanworks
- Genre
- Target
- Client
Hanbit Ubiquitous Entertainment
- Copyright
Hagane Orchestra ©Since2015 Hanbit Ubiquitous Entertainment Inc.
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