- Title
Ninpu Arare
- Summary
Ninja Arare, a Fart Ninja from the village of Fart, is an easygoing boy but has a strong sense of justice. He uses his fart power, “Ninpu”, to take out the bad boys in the village!
- About
Fanworks created the animated production of “Fart Ninja: Ninpu Arare”, the first series for the original anime brand for preschoolers called “Pretube”, which was jointly launched by Takara Tomy and Dentsu
- Format
4 minutes Available
- Original Work
“Fart Ninja: Shinopu Arare” by Takara Tomy/ Mitsuyoshi Takasu
- Director
Akifumi Nonaka
- Produce
Takara Tomy, Dentsu
- Animation ProductionYear
- Genre
Slice of life, heartwarming
- Target
- Copyright
Ninpu Arare Project
- Media partner
- Related Links