

2016年のご挨拶/ ファンワークス (2016 Greeting/ FANWORKS)





旧年中は大変、お世話になりました。 10週年イヤーとなりました2015年はエキサイティングなアニメーション作品にいくつも関わらせていただき、且つ素晴らしい出逢いにも恵まれ、正にこれまでの10年を総轄する素晴らしい年となりました。 11年目になる2016年は、今まで以上に新しい可能性にどんどんチャレンジしていく「スタートアップ=成長」の1年となりそうです。グローバル化、コンテンツモデルの変化など変革を余儀なくされている現況において、「次の一手」となるプロジェクトを皆様と一緒に作っていきたいなぁと、今からワクワクしております。






2016年1月1日 株式会社ファンワークス代表 高山晃★




Dear all,


I appreciate all your support last year. In the year of 2015, the 10th anniversary of Fanworks, we could have been involved in to many exciting anime productions and have many wonderful encounters. It really was the great year that concludes all these 10 years. The year of 2016, the 11th year for Fanworks, will be the year of ‘startup=growing up’, the year of challenging ourselves to new possibilities more than ever before. Nowadays, the environment around us is changing; globalization, changes in contents model, and so on. In such a situation, we want to produce the project , which has the great possibility of being a ‘next move’. I’m getting excited to working with you all.


Also, “Sushi and Beyond An English Family Eats New Year’s”, the anime Fanworks has produced, will be on aired on NHK G at 10:00 PM, January 1st[JST](NHK WORLD Premium at 10:00 PM, January 1st[JST]、NHK WORLD at 8:10 AM, 2:10 PM, 7:10 PM, January 3rd, and 2:10 AM, January 4th[JST]). Since its theme is ‘Japanese rice farming and Osechi’, this program is suitable for New Year. We are very glad if you watch it while being relaxed and enjoying your time.


We pray for your good health and great happiness. We Fanworks will appreciate your continued cooperation this year


January 1st, 2016 Akira Takayama, the President of Fanworks




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