
- Title
Bikkuri-Man Theme Fighter Nyanda
- Summary
A mysterious mansion stood in a certain town. Its name was the Bikkuri Mansion! In Bikkuri Mansion, there are residents with various abilities, and they are fighting every day for the “Master’s Room”. Eventually people around them started calling them “Theme Fighter Nyanders”. This is a story about The Nyanders being active and their battles using their special skills!
- About
“Theme Fighter Nyander” is a derivative work of the Bikkuriman series, in which the confectionery product and “online animation” have been linked together for the first time. The animation is based on the confectionery product, and Fanworks was in charge of the video production.
- Format
4eps x 3mins
- Original work
- Director
Chota Akatsuki
- Produce
- Animation Production
Year Fanworks
- Genre
- Target
Kids(6-12years old)
- Media partner