[謹賀新年]2018年のご挨拶/ ファンワークス

また、2016年、TBS「王様ブランチ」でオンエアされておりました「アグレッシブ烈子」(原作サンリオ、監督ラレコ)が、2018年春より、世界最大規模の動画配信プラットフォームNetflix にて、オリジナルアニメ(Netflixオリジナル)として世界、約190カ国で配信されることになりました!
「烈子」のニュースの中で、アニメーションビジネスジャーナルの数土さんが、「今回は、自身の原点ともいえるウェブ発でグローバルに挑戦する。」という有り難いコトバをいただいたのですが、2005年にラレコさんが作った「やわらか戦車」で始まった弊社が、同じくラレコが監督を務める2作品を中心に、「原点」に立ち返ってグローバル市場にチャレンジしていく! という年になりそうです。
株式会社ファンワークス代表取締役社長 高山晃
2018 Greeting/ FANWORKS
Happy New Year and thank you for your cooporations in the business. The last year, fan works tried making a lot of new projects. Especially, we focused on producing cartoons which aims for foreign markets. Here are our main work in the last year below.
“Take my brother away” got huge popularity in both Japan and China. This animation is that we and Imagineer Co., Ltd. cooperated with Tencent, inc. and animated “Take my brother away”, which is a so famous web-comic that it got 5 billion views in China.
Besides “Agrretsuko”, which was broadcasted on TBS “Oh-sama no Branch” (the Author: Rareko), is going to be provided to about 190 countries form next spring in 2018 via the best streaming service in the world, Netflix.
At present, other big projects are also under the process for launching at next 2018.
This new year, we, Fanworks, will try to the global market with the 2 two works made by our sworn friend form “Yawaraka Tank”, Rareko as if we followed the word that Mr. Sudo( a journalist from Anime-business journal) had said that he would try to work globally form my origin, website in this year.
At the end, we would like to send a picture that depicts Retsuko wearing Japanese style dress for New Year party. We would glad to see you enjoy it.
We all wish you may have a healthful and successful year and would give you the best regards as our great partner.
Fanworks, inc. CEO Akira Takayama, Jan. 1st, 2018